Thursday 14 May 2020

Lockdown - Hobbies - Model Airplanes

I usually reserve my modelling making for the winter months but needs must.  A good diversion from the TV.

Lockdown - Hobbies - Gardening

I wasn't looking forward to spending a lot of time gardening this year - but I welcome the fresh air, exercise and sense of achievement now that our activities are curtailed by the lockdown.

Lockdown - Hobbies - Crosswords

Often a bit frustrating but perhaps it exercises the grey matter?

Saturday 9 May 2020

Lockdown - Hobbies - Reading

Luckily a friend deposited several paperbacks in our front garden yesterday - we were in danger of running short on these and needed to stockpile!

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Lockdown Hobbies - Building a model airplane

The spitfire is finished in time for VE Day 75th anniversary.  Next up - a Corsair.  Both made of balsa and tissue ("Old School")

Monday 4 May 2020

Redbridge Rec - (Lock Down Walk)

I often walk across the Redbridge Recreation ground ("Rec") as part of my daily exercise.